A young woman probably between the ages of 25 and 35 years has been recorded on camera on top of a horse and many Ghanaians after coming across this video stated that the woman is abusing the horse. Watching the video carefully, you can see that this woman is extremely huge in body size. She will probably weigh more than the horse.
However, this woman who is heavily endowed with buttocks and breasts was seen climbing the horse and sitting on top of it. The guy who assisted her to climb the horse struggled before she was able to climb the horse. Taking a careful look at the horse after the woman sat on it, you can see that the horse was not balanced.
horse was a human being, it will have shouted that it is dying. Some Ghanaians after coming across this video said that the lady is abusing the animal. This is because she is heavy in size than the horse. Others also busted into laughter after watching the video.
Check out some of the reactions from some Ghanaians who came across this video:
You can also watch the video through the link below:
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