We are all we have, and nothing should ever stop us from doing good irrespective of the situation in which we find ourselves. Life is too short for us to be emitting negative vibes, lend a helping hand to a person in need before it is too late.
This story is based on a social media post currently trending online. The post comes in three different frames with a very inspiring caption. Looking at the frames, you get to see a group of people who took it upon themselves to transform the life of a mentally ill patient on the streets. The caption that came with the picture is, “Be the reason why someone smiles”.
I hope the simple caption speaks volume to many readers over here, just like it has done to most netizens who encountered the post. Some of us have the money and the resources to change the lives of people in need, but tend to give a blind eye to them. Talking about people in need, I am not restricting it to this topic only. There are single mothers in your vicinity who need financial assistance, there are kids who need a touch with their educational costs and many others.
You never know how beautiful their future would be if you give them just a single touch, be the reason why someone smiles.
Content created and supplied by: the_Kelvin_guy (via Opera
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