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Now, everyone must be very careful on the streets due to the rate at which robbery attacks and killings are going on in our societies. There are several times we see how armed robbers attack people on CCTV camera which sometimes leaves many people in a state of shock. That is why it is advisable to save contacts of the Ghana police so that should in case you find yourself in such situation you can contact them for immediate help.
According to a CCTV footage sighted on social media, some two suspected robbers on motobike uses their unbelievable skills to rob a luxurious Range Rover car mirror in broad day light. According to information compiled, this incident happened at DT plaza at Shiashie. What is surprising people is how one of the criminals manage to steal the mirror from the Range Rover. Well, all we need to do now is to be extra careful in our homes and on the streets.
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