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Premature Ejaculation: what is it and what are the causes

Premature ejaculation is a major problem for men around the world. During sexual intercourse, the man may “release” more quickly than desired, some times as early 1 minute into the act. This situation is what is referred to as “premature” ejaculation.

Chronic premature ejaculation can have serious consequences on the relationship and the man’s self esteem. There are several medically written and reviewed articles about premature ejaculation because it is a widespread male problem. Here are some common causes:

1. Stress and Anxiety

Stress may result from having a bad day at work, being too tired or having encountered a difficult situation such as suffering disappointment from a trusted friend or business partner.

Whatever the source of stress is, it will negatively affect your concentration during sex, and ultimately, you may ejaculate prematurely.

Anxiety on the other hand can be explained as nervousness which can overwhelm the man immediately before the sexual encounter.

A man, especially in first time sexual encounters, can be overwhelmed by the woman’s body. Such a spontaneous condition will dramatically drive down the man’s vigour, resulting in premature ejaculation.

Other sources of anxiety include the fear of getting the woman pregnant or contracting a sexually transmitted infection.

For example, if just before you enter, the woman rejects the idea of using condom, you can get confused as to whether to continue “raw” or to stop. In such situations, stopping may not be easy at all.

Many men will reluctantly continue, but because he is doing it “raw”, worries about pregnancy and STIs may overwhelm him, causing him to lose control over the situation. The result is likely to be premature ejaculation.

2. Others include chronic masturbation, lack of physical exercise, low self esteem, and abusive sex partner.

Thanks for reading.

Content created and supplied by: Baffour Awuah (via Opera
News )

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