There are increased cases of suicide, trauma among our people and this has raised the question about their state of mind because of things they encountered. They are encumbered by the fear of their past and it is never easy to forget the things that happened to you.
Veteran Marquete Harris speaks about military trauma after being raped two times as a soldier in the US Military. Nearly one in four U.S. servicewomen reports being assaulted otherwise in the military. Why has it been so difficult to change the culture, and why do so many assaults in the U.S. military go unpunished?
She said her dream was to be a military woman after high school she entered military something happened that will haunt her for the rest of her life. She narrates how a senior military followed her to her room, tied her up and rape her. ” He told me to clean up myself before going anywhere, he stood there until I took a shower.” She stated.
The next morning, Marqueta told her friends about the incident. “Let it go,” they said, because the officer was a high-ranking official and could not be punished for his actions. However, Marquette troubles were far from over. Later that night, she was sexually assaulted by a lieutenant.
She said she was attacked by lieutenant in the bedroom he forcefully raped her and left her unconscious. ” He tore my clothes and raped me in the bathroom, it was so painful.” She said. She claimed her life and dream has been ruined, she can’t get thoughts of those horrible experiences from her head after been diagnosed with depression.
She said that she couldn’t handle the trauma and became withdrawn, losing her appetite and self esteem. She considered ending her life but one of the officers in her unit noticed her behavior and referred her for counseling, where she was diagnosed with PTSD. She claims she thinks of committing suicide every day as she seems her self ruined and less of a woman whenever she remembers how she was beaten, forced, slapped and forcefully abused.
After she recovered, Marquette retired from the military and began a new career. She feels that many military men and women face stress and depression in silence, because of the fear of losing their source of income for their family if they reveal their condition. She said she can’t stop thinking of taking her own life, the trauma live with her causing her several depression and suicidal thoughts.Â
Content created and supplied by: Mainooco (via Opera
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