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I Disagree With The Comments By The President of the Ghana Catholic Bishops Conference

The Most Rev. Philip Naameh, President of the Ghana Catholic Bishops Conference and the Metropolitan Archbishop of Tamale, has said that, Christians must stop seeing politics as a dirty game.

Speaking on JoyNews’ s programme; ‘The Probe’ on Sunday, 18 April 2022, Most Rev. Philip Naameh said “There are some Christians who are afraid to muddy themselves. There are some who still believe that politics is a dirty game and therefore shy away from taking up that responsibility, but if we look at what Jesus’ death and resurrection actually mean, it is the power of God to resist the temptation to be selfish and care only about your family, your friends”.

According to him, “…I think it’s still possible, that Christians should embrace politics and work for the common good; and not shy away from it and then try to criticize those who make mistakes, because they do not have the values of nation-building, which I believe Christians in the doctrine about social teaching, all have”.

Now, Jesus taught us in Mark 12:17, that we should “give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar, and give to God what belongs to God”. The challenging question here is; what belong s to God…what do we give to God? Again;what do we own Caesar…and what do we give back to Caesar?

The closest explanation to this question is; you must do exactly what the rules demanded from you. You belong to a religion…christian, Islam etc; and each of these religions have their Holy books, with rules, guides and promises for its followers. The Holy books have also outlined some punishment for all those who break the rules. These are divine rules, promises and punishments.

Though we all belong to different religions, we live in the same country govern by another powerful book, called the Constitution. Just as in the Holy Books, the Constitution of our land also have its own set of rules and punishments. These are thing of the earth, and must be obeyed.

The fact is…the constitutions of our land recognizes our religions and the Holy books. Though it is said, that the constitution is the Supreme book of the land…it does not interfere with the things of the Holy Books. The same way the Bible is also telling as, that as long as we live on earth, we must abide by the rules of the earth, while giving our hearts and minds to the Creator God, according to the Holy Books.

The Bible specifically told us; that ‘lack of knowledge my people perish; true to that, many are perishing due to wrong interpretations. Nobody is forcing his or her religion or doctrine on anybody; believe it or not, there are some things that common sense have revealed to us, and we must know them anyhow.

The point is; politics as a dirty game and politicians are liars. Why is politics a dirty game and why do we say politicians liars?

We all know for a fact that, Politicians are the best at telling citizens (the electorates), a good number of promises they will not fulfill after winning power.

Today’s politics is a real dirt game, because nobody will frown to the fact that, if you are looking for an area filled with lies and deceit, politics will be a sure bet.

Another reason we insist, that Christians must see politicians as liars; and politics as a very dirty game, is because many killings and assassinations, are associated with politics. Some people will stop at nothing, just to see their opponents destroyed or dead, because of power.

There are cries of the poor in the country…people who queued up on the rains, and on the sun to vote for politicians who promised to change their living condition. After winning power, the poor are still left to swim in their poverty. There are families of people who were shot and killed during elections, demanding justice, but failed.

Politics for today is full of favoritism and nepotism. When they win power, they use their influence to put their family and friends into all the positions, even when they are not qualified. Again the poor are left with no jobs.

Today, we cant think of politics without mentioning Corruption. Politics and corruption and interlaced; and this have decreased public trust in justice, and weakened the capacity of judicial systems to guarantee the protection of human rights. Politics and corruptions have affected the tasks and duties of the judges, prosecutors, lawyers, and other legal professionals, living the poor to suffer the consequences.

Now; when the President of the Ghana Catholic Bishops Conference, and the Metropolitan Archbishop of Tamale, Most Rev. Philip Naameh told Christians, not to shy away from politics; and also, Christians must stop seeing politics as a dirty game, he said it well…but in reality; can that be possible in our today’s christian and political world? Just judge for yourself.

He again said “…it is the power of God to resist the temptation to be selfish, and care only about your family, your friends”. Can a christian…not just a christian; but true a christian be in today’s political system, and resist temptations of lying, stealing, corruption, favoritism etc? Please judge for yourself.

Can somebody boldly state…and convince us, that a true christian can join today’s politics; and still remain Holy, Pure, Corruption-free and Faithful to the Lord God? In my views, that is impossible.

Corruption in my views is a very dirty and an impure game, and true Christians must never associate themselves with it. Can you serve God and the Devil at the same time? Can you be faithful to your God as a politician; Please judge for yourselves.

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