Cats use vocalizations to communicate with their owners and other cats. Crying is one way to convey a message both to the recipient and to anyone within earshot. One of the most common reasons that female cats cry at night is because she’s looking for a mate.
Cats use a range of vocalizations to tell us and other cats what they want or need. We are all familiar with meowing and purring, two of the most pleasant and pleasing sounds cats make, but why do cats cry like a baby at night.
It can be quite unsettling to hear and is made more so by the fact that it sometimes sounds like a baby’s cry.One of the most common reasons that female cats cry at night is because she is looking for a mate. She is signaling to males in the vicinity that she wants to hook up. Remember that cats do not have Tinder or the opposable thumbs to slide into someone’s DMs.
It is uncomfortable for the cat and it can be hard for the owner to listen to, too. Living with a sexually frustrated female will mean regular crying and could lead to multiple pregnancies. Unspayed females can go into heat from 4-months old and during the breeding season, once every 3 weeks.As cats are more active at dawn and dusk, a female in heat is likely to disrupt sleeping patterns inside your house.Female cats do it when they are in heat. Male cats do it when they can smell a female in heat and it sounds just as awful.
If you can hear a cat crying a night, then you may have stumbled into a turf war between rivals. Cats yowl at each other when one comes onto the territory of another. You might also hear hissing and growling, too. Sometimes this can turn into a physical fight or if one successful intimidates the other, it could come to nothing.
Cats are very territorial so if you have recently moved house you may find that your cat is suddenly more vocal. Upset, irritated, disorientated or distressed at its loss of place, the cat may need time to settle into his or her new environment. This can happen both to indoor and outdoor cats. Once the cat is settled, the behavior should stop but there are several things an owner can do to help a cat adjust to its new surroundings using synthetic hormone sprays and diffusers.
Indoor cats may also yowl because they can see another cat outside but ca not get to them. Keep a lookout for strays, other neighborhood cats or ferals that may be hanging around and stressing your cat out. There are several ways to discourage cats from coming into your garden and this may help reduce the anxiety of your indoor cat.
Illness and injury can cause cats to cry or yowl for no obvious reason. behavior is unexplained or sudden, make an appointment with a veterinarian to rule out any physical causes behind the noise-making. Pay attention to the time and place it happens. Keeping a diary will be helpful so that you can find any patterns and discuss them with a veterinarian.Â
Cats suffering from mental decline may start crying, too. This is because they are disorientated or distressed. Unfortunately, cats can get, too. If your cat is making strange noises, it is a good time to talk to a veterinarian.
Content created and supplied by: GreatAlexander (via Opera
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