Indeed, as devout Christians and Muslims, we are frequently compelled to give money to beggars on the streets and on the side of the road. The simple reason is that both the Holy Bible and the Holy Quran promise us a list of blessings. But, aside from the rewards promised in the holy texts, spiritual scholars have discovered that donating to beggars can sometimes be very dangerous, because not all the beggars we meet on the streets are normal people.Â
Some of them are, in fact, supernatural creatures dispatched from the underworld to perform a certain mission on this planet.We may see them as humans during the day, and some may disguise themselves as beggars on the streets, but they turn back into their spiritual bodies during the night hours, carrying out their allotted missions.Â
When you give your money to these disguised beings in the name of philanthropy, you may unintentionally invite bad luck into your finances rather than the blessings promised in the Joly texts.
However, since giving charity is a key requirement of our Creator, there is one way to go about it: avoid offering money to beggars with the right hand.Spiritualists believe that in the spiritual domain, which is opposed to the physical realm, the right hand is weaker than the left.So, whether you are spiritually fortified or not, if you use your right hand to offer money to a beggar sent from the spirit realm, they might operate against your finances.Â
As a result, whenever giving money to a beggar on the street, it is highly recommended to use the left hand to counteract this psychic enchantment. As you do so, the possessed beggar will be overpowered by your left hand, which is spiritually strong, and no spell cast against you through the money you gave him or her will be able to manipulate your finances.
Even though both the Bible and the Quran encourage us to give money to the poor, how can you tell if a beggar on the street is possessed or not? To avoid any kind of spiritual enchantment on your life or finances, make sure you follow the above rules whenever you give money to beggars.Â
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