According to the family of the late Odifo Nkansa, he told them before death that, the Holy spirit has Picked his 17 years old son to Succeed him as Leader of the African Faith Tabernacle Church whenever he dies. This is because the Holy spirit has fortified his son to become powerful in the spiritual realm to lead the Church.
Fast forward, 40 days after the death of Odifo Nkansa, let’s meet his 17 years old son as presented by the family to the church. The young man is an SHS graduate hailing from Anyinam where the Headquarters of the Church is situated.
Although young, the boy dresses like his father. He always wear a white gown with a red wrapper fixed around his waist and chest. He walks barefooted and doesn’t talk much unless he is in the spirit.
In other news, the Church Leaders who worked with the late Odifo Nkansa has rejected the Holy spirit appointed son to lead the Church. According to them, the boy is too young to hold the mantle of office. They have proposed the linguist of the late Odifo Nkansa to lead the church.
Due to this misunderstanding, efforts by the family to introduce the 17 years old boy as the next Leader ended in chaos At Anyinam. The Police had to come in to make some arrest to restore calm.
For now, the church is torn into two with the Holy spirit appointed Leader on the left with the family. While the church leaders are on the right. We can only anticipate the drama likely to follow in the subsequent days.
Content created and supplied by: Pen_Sound (via Opera
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