Sometimes, we find the remains of people after getting to realize their cars drowned, with they not being able to escape. I wonder what must be going through the minds of victims in such instances. For most of them, they try to break out of the drowning cars by breaking the windows, but their efforts turn out being fruitless.
Many people in the world have died by drowning just because they probably didn’t know a simple trick. I would want to share this trick with you and urge you to forward it to your friends, so they know what to do in such situations.
When you find yourself in a drowning car, do not lose hope. Follow these steps;
1. Don’t waste your energy trying to push the door.
2. Don’t open the window the force of water entering the car won’t allow you out
3. Take out the head rest. For those of you who do not know the head rest, you can see it below.
4. Use the steel sharp point to go and break the back window written kick out glass.
The car by engineering and design, is meant to float in water and the back window will always be facing exit. This is likely to save your life.
For cars that do not have detachable head rests, what you can do as a driver is to target the back window with whatever you find in the car. Kindly share to another person, because who knows? You might be saving them in the near future by sharing.
Content created and supplied by: the_Kelvin_guy (via Opera
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