It’s not fun to be sick, even if you’re at home in bed. Anyone can be made uncomfortable by a mix of physical aches, fever, chills, and nasal congestion.
There are a variety of home remedies that might help you go back to normal and relieve your symptoms. Make an appointment with your doctor if you are still sick after a few weeks. Get medical attention right away if you’re having difficulties breathing, have a racing heart, feel faint, or have any other serious symptoms.
Continue reading to find out what cold and flu cures you can make at home.
1. Chicken soup
Chicken soup isn’t a cure-all, but when you’re sick, it’s a fantastic choice. According to research, eating a cup of chicken soup with veggies, whether homemade or heated from a can, can reduce neutrophil movement in the body. Neutrophils are a type of white blood cell that can be seen in large numbers in the body. They aid in the prevention of infection in the human body. They stay more concentrated in the places of your body that need the most mending when they’re removing them slowly.
Chicken soup was found to be useful in alleviating the symptoms of upper respiratory infections in particular, according to the study.
Low-sodium soup is also high in nutrients and aids in hydration. Regardless of how you’re feeling, it’s a fantastic option.
2. Ginger

The medicinal qualities of ginger root have been preached for ages, but now we have scientific proof of their efficacy. A cough or sore throat might be relieved by boiling a few slices of raw ginger root. It may also help to prevent the nausea that commonly comes with influenza, according to research. One study discovered that 1 gramme of ginger helped “alleviate clinical nausea of various sources.”
Grab a cup of ginger tea right now and start reaping the benefits.
3. Honey
Honey possesses antibacterial and antimicrobial capabilities in abundance. Sore throat pain can be relieved by drinking honey in lemon tea. Honey may also work as a cough suppressant, according to research. Researchers discovered that feeding 10 grammes of honey to youngsters before bedtime lowered the intensity of their cough symptoms. The kids are said to have slept better, which helps with cold symptoms.
Honey, which often includes botulinum spores, should never be given to a child under the age of one year. While older children and adults are usually unaffected, newborns’ immune systems aren’t up to the task.
4. Garlic
Allicin, a chemical found in garlic, may have antibacterial qualities. Garlic supplementation may help to lessen the intensity of cold symptoms. It may even help you avoid being sick in the first place, according to some research.
Garlic’s possible cold-fighting benefits need to be investigated further. Meanwhile, incorporating extra garlic into your diet is unlikely to harm you.
Content created and supplied by: Walasty12 (via Opera
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