Rexongile Ngobeni, a 26 year old lady who is an interial designer and is based in Johannesburg was suffering from a painful menstrual cramps, she went to the hospital, the gynaecologists found out she had a fibroids which needed an immediate operation to be removed, the lady thought after the surgery she will be okay but it turns out to be something different.
Ngobeni said this menstrual cramps started at her adolescent age but she thought it was normal, it became worse when she was in the University. Sometimes she has to miss lectures because of the pains she goes through, she usually bought over the counter medication and she will be okay. In the year 2020, she went to the hospital for a thorough examination, she was then referred to the gynecologists.
She booked an appointment and went to see the gynecologists, she asked her about symptoms the lady has been experiencing, after she examined her, the specialist found out Ngobeni has a huge fibroids in her abdomen, she was given an advice to undergo surgery to remove the fibroids. The lady said her stomach started becoming big as if she is pregnant but she thought it was weight gain.
Ngobeni has no choice than to accept to undergo the surgery, she informed her parents about it and they all supported her. But before the surgery she tested positive for covid 19 and was in Isolation for 17 days but after the Isolation she still tested positive for the third time. She again went to Isolation till she tested negative for Covid 19. After that she was prepared for the operation and there was a successful surgery. The lady was experiencing much pain after the operation.
She was diagnosed with infections and was having low blood levels. The lady went for a scan and she was having internal bleeding so she undergoes another operation. They had another successful surgery and she was sent to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU), she spent three weeks there. She again had difficulty in breathing but she went through multiples of operations before she recovered. According to the lady she went through a series of seven surgeries within five months after the removal of the fibroids.
Content created and supplied by: Ccobbina (via Opera
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