65th Independence day Anniversary celebrations in Obuasi

65th Independence day Anniversary celebrations in Obuasi

The Municipal Chief Executive for Obuasi, Hon ElijahAdansi-Bonah has called on School children to remain discipline and work hard towards their education. He admonished them to get up again when they fall and not to allow anything to impede their growth and development. 

The mce made this comments when he was delivering his keynote address at an event heald at the Len Clay Sports stadium in Obuasi to mark the 65th Independence day celebrations of the Republic of Ghana. 

At the end of the march past which highlighted the celebrations, AGA school emerged the winners in the Primary category with 49.33 points with Nana Wiredu and Anyinam Methodist B coming 2nd and 3rd respectively. 

In the JHS category, Obuasi Presby came 1st whiles Saint Augustines came 2nd with Bogobiri MA JHS coming 3rd.

Obuasi Sec tech won the SHS Category. 

Again, the MCE presented a citation and a tablet to Master Christian Yeboah Mensah Amoako formerly of AGA school for emerging the best BECE student fort he year 2020.

The event was peaceful and hugely successful. 

More soon



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Christian Yeboah
Obuasi Sec