As much as cucumbers are needed in diet plans for balanced meals it also has specific areas where it can be used to treat specific problems.

For example if you want shiny hair,cucumber is the perfect vegetable. Blended into a paste and thrown in with a mix of other ingredients it not only grows your hair it gives it shine as well.It can also prevent hair damage and breakage if used frequently.
Another benefit of cucumbers is it aids in glowing skin. If you have noticed most creams that sell on glowy skin usually have components of cucumber in them.
It can also treat stretch marks. It helps in the gradual fading away of cellulite on stomach, thighs and arms.
Last but definitely not the least, it can be used as a sunburn remedy. After a long day at the beach, you can make it into a paste and rub unto your skin to reduce irritation.
Thanks for reading.
Content created and supplied by: nessavage (via Opera
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