So research does prove that you lose a lot of calories,relative to time, during sex. Some men can lose up to a hundred and twenty calories after 30 minutes of sex and some women around ninety calories. That is according to the study like jogging or exercising for 15 minutes which makes sense because sex is a physical activity. The heart goes into overdrive to get blood to all the needed muscles so that the activity can be performed.
So sex can make you lose some weight if you are having it like five times a week.However it is not advisable to use sex solely as the only weight loss activity you have.This is because sex puts a strain on the body so doing it tol much will have obvious consequences. You can incorporate some exercises like jogging, yoga and running to compliment your weight loss planning.
On the bright side some benefits of regular sex include good sleep,mood improvements and also burning of extra fat the body doesn’t need.
Thanks for reading.
Content created and supplied by: nessavage (via Opera
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