Micheal Ernest Ansah is Chief Executive Officer of GIADEC
MRE likely to be completed in less than a year
Combined approach to drilling will help obtain quality core samples, Project Geologist
GIADEC responsible for development of integrated aluminium industry
The Ghana Integrated Aluminum Development Corporation is confident that the ongoing progress of works on the Mineral Resource Estimate (MRE) will likely be completed in less than a year.
According to Micheal Ernest Ansah who is Chief Executive Officer of the Corporation, the extent of works being undertaken by its partner Rocksure International will pave way for the construction of a mine that will deliver solutions to refining bauxite in Ghana.
Speaking after a working visit to one of four projects being executed under the Integrated Aluminium Industry (IAI) in Nyinahin Block-B (Project 2) in the Ashanti Region, the GIADEC boss underscored the importance of the works to Ghana’s industrialization efforts.
“We are seeing that work is progressing and what is particularly gratifying is to see a wholly-owned Ghanaian Company, Rocksure International demonstrate the competence and capacity to do this sort of work. We are looking at being able to enable that capacity, enable that vision of building a Ghana with Ghanaians who can drive the development of an industry such as this”
“We are hoping the MRE may be completed in less than a year which will pave the way for the building of a mine with a refinery solution in the Nyinahin-Mpasaaso area” he added.
He further outlined that the prospecting program will however take between four to six months.
“The prospecting program will take a few months, probably 4 – 6 months or so and we are doing hills 6A, 6B, hill 5, and hill 4. The samples are being collected progressively so we can ascertain the quality and quantity of bauxite that we have in these areas” he added.
The GIADEC CEO said the construction works have so far helped residents in Nyinahin-Mpsaaso and adjoining communities to gain employment with some already working on-site.
Meanwhile, the delegation from GIADEC, which was was led by its CEO, were taken on a brief tour of the project site to inspect and observe the processes of collecting bauxite samples for analysis at the laboratory.
The team was also introduced to a state-of-the-art drilling machine being used to conduct auger and diamond drilling.
According to Isaac Marbee who is a Project Geologist at Rocksure International, opting for a combined approach drilling will rather help obtain quality core samples that will be analyzed at the laboratory to ascertain the geology and content of alumina which will inform the type of refinery to be constructed.
In September 2021, Rocksure International signed an agreement to partner with GIADEC to execute Project 2 – the development of a mine and a refinery solution, under a joint venture partnership.
Project 2 is one of four projects being executed under the Integrated Aluminium Industry (IAI) value chain by GIADEC.
GIADEC is a state-owned company responsible for the development of the integrated aluminium industry in Ghana.
The company’s portfolio of assets includes mining rights to all of Ghana’s 900 million tonnes of bauxite reserves, 100% shares in Valco – Ghana’s smelting company, and interest in Ghana Bauxite Company Limited, a producing mine that has been operating for over 70 years.
Through strategic partnerships, GIADEC, will hold equity stakes in new mines and refineries to be established, and drive integration of the bauxite – aluminium value chain to create value.