Hello everybody ,am daniella and I give you a warm welcome to my blog post. How are you doing .I hope by God’s grace you are well .I hope you find this article helpful,if you do please leave a comment .
Use your clothes and style to build your personal brand. Your style can even reflect what you stand for. Clothing gives an idea of your character and even boosts your confidence if you feel good about what you wear. It is essential how you feel in your clothes because this feeling can make or break an outfit.

Gain confidence in your style with fashion advice for styling every look in your closet.Work your capsule wardrobe. Make sure your clothes fit perfectly. Learn how to balance proportions. Find your personal style. Become a better shopper.Add a belt. Play with color.Mix patterns and textures.

How do I look classy?
Focus on Fit. Tailored clothing is synonymous with looking classy. Avoid Showing too Much. Wear Neutrals.Don’t Over Do Accessories. Stick to Classics.Keep Clothing Wrinkle Free.Pay Attention to Details.Wear Proper Undergarments
Content created and supplied by: Daniella Akyaw (via Opera
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