Combination of bitterleaf and Scent leaf have been research and proven to treat so many illnesses that we don’t know about. They are common leaves we have around our compound but we are blind to it’s usefulness and keep spending money in the hospital.
Below are illnesses that these two powerful leaves treats effectively.
Squeeze bitter leaves and scent leaves together add lemon or lime and drink first thing in the morning and night for some days. N/B only the juice from the two leaves.
For external pile, squeeze scent leaf only and put in the anus to push it in.
Scent leaf and bitter leaf juice helps reduce the inflammation and pain in piles.
Internal heat.
Get some quantity of bitter leaves and scent leaves, boil with water and drink half cup daily for one week.
Hair breakage.
Make bitter leaf and scent leaf juice. Get one bottle of olive oil and one bottle of honey. Mix together and warm it for few minutes. Use the mixture to wash your hair. It promotes the growth of long dark hair and stop breakage
Bitter leaf and scent leaf juice helps to control and reduce blood sugar. The juice is good for diabetics. Use only the juice with just small water. Always check your sugar level when taking bitterleaf and Scent leaf juice so it’s won’t get too low.
Reduce blood pressure.
Scientifically and traditionally scent leaf and bitter leaf juice helps reduce blood pressure.
Make sure you drink only the juice without adding much water. Remember to always check your pressure while on this Treatment so it won’t get too low.
Detox and clean the liver.
As one of its numerous health benefits, bitter leaf and scent leaf juice detox and cleanse the liver. It’s a very good liver and general body detox
Skin disease.
A combo of bitter leaf and scent leaf is also used in the treatment of skin infections such as ringworm, measles, rashes and eczema. Drink morning and evening and use some to apply on the affected areas, it dries it off completely
Treatment of gastro intestinal problems.
Bitter leaf and scent leaf are used in the treatment of diarrhoea, constipation, dysentery and stomach discomfort among several other uses. Drink morning and evening until you are heal
Bitter leaf has antimalarial property and is therefore used in the treatment and prevention of malaria. Bitter leaf contain thymol oil which prevents mosquito bites. Drink this mixture if you are suffering from malaria
Lowers blood cholesterol.
A combo of bitter leaf and scent leaf juice has been scientifically proven to lower bad cholesterol in the blood and elevates good cholesterol which is good for the heart.
Boost blood production.
Bitterleaf is very good to increase blood in your system. That’s why once in a while it’s good to prepare bitter leaf juice and drink, give some to children to drink also. You will never run short of blood if you always make use of bitterleaf juice.
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