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For many people, choosing someone to marry is one of the most important decisions they will make in their lives.
Everyone thinks that the person they marry is the real Prince Charming, but the truth is that everyone has good and terrible qualities, and you have to decide what you’re prepared to put up with.
Certain features, on the other hand, are absolute red flags. Never marry a guy that exhibit these 11 traits:
1. He is a rumourer
Guys who are rumor mongers, or gossipers, should not be married because they will sell all of your secrets, which no one wants, right?
3. He is excessively talkative.
If your man enjoys talking excessively, don’t consider marrying him; instead, talk more to marry him. While conversing, he will say something he never intended to say, either regarding your personal matters or things you don’t want the world to know.
4. He is a softie
If he’s a pushover (easily influenced and overcome), don’t marry him; you’ll always lose battles and end up in tears. If you have a rival, she can deceive him into thinking bad thoughts about you, causing the marriage to fail.
5. He enjoys strutting his stuff
Men who prefer to brag about their possessions and flaunt them end up losing everything because they put their possessions in jeopardy; don’t marry him if he exhibits this trait.
6. He is an exploiter
7. He is stingy and/or self-centered
8. He is squanderer
9. He is a habitual drunkard
10. He despises attending church
11. He does not trust you and is suspicious of you.
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Content created and supplied by: barbaraagyeman006 (via Opera
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