‘Shame On Him’ Inhuman Range Rover Driver Allegedly Paper Sprays A Fellow Driver After An Overtake


Some kenyan drivers are a big dissapointment to the general public. This is a because of their irritating ego and arrogance that they have while driving. It is as yet unbeleivable that some drivers can get angry and revengive whenever they get overtaked.

Through a famous facebook page known as Dereva Chunga Maisha, a facebook client by the name Kahlonjih Sizzlah raised a complain about a pompous driver he experienced on one of the kenyan highway. In his message, a range rover driver whose car number plate is KBZ 100M was furious at him after he overtaked .(Photo| courtesy)(Photo| courtesy)

Later after the overtake, the driver chose to follow him from behind and after arriving at Mombasa road, he attempted to pepper spray his eyes yet fortunately his windows were closed. He might have definately harmed him if the vehicle windows were open. He accordingly requested the driver from the said vehicle to bring down his pride and respect himself. We likewise shun such inhuman behavious on the road. What is your view on this.

Content created and supplied by: Obedeefanatics (via Opera
News )

Dereva Chunga Maisha
Kahlonjih Sizzlah


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