Emotions have run high after a 34-year-old lady by the name Fridah has been in hospital for the last four months after she contracted covid-19.
According to Fridah’s family, Fridah was 28 weeks pregnant when she contracted the covid-19 virus and she was forced to give birth at twenty eight weeks through caesarian surgery.
Fridah’s family has been taking care of their daughter’s son because she can no longer do anything for herself. Fridah cannot sit, stand or even walk.
The doctors claims that with time, Fridah will learn how to feed herself, sit and also walk on crutches since she is not strong to walk on her own.
The hospital bill is now at 20 million and the family is unable to clear. The family is still hopeful that Fridah will be well soon and she will have to meet her son whom she had been waiting for too long soon.
The family has pleaded with Kenyans to help them clear the twenty million hospital bill and they will forever be greatful.
If you wish to help the family click here
Content created and supplied by: ShikishaNewz (via Opera
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