When someone blocks you on Whatsapp means the person does not want you to access his or her site to see what is going on there.The person blocks you from seeing profile picture, what he or she has posted on status, last time the person was seen on Whatsapp and blocks you from calling or texting him or her.
There are ways you can know whether someone has blocked you on Whatsapp.Here are ways to know that someone has blocked you on Whatsapp.
1.You can not see the person’s last seen.When you open whatapp app you can be able to see the time a person last was online.But when you are not able to see, the person has blocked you.
2.You can not see what the person has posted on status.When the person post anything in status you can not see it.
3.You can not call or text the person.Calls and text can not go through the person’s phone.
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