8 Psychological Facts You Should Know About Women From Today?


1. Women see more colours.

2. The female body has a lower resistance to alcohol.

It is more likely that women will suffer brain damage from alcohol like loss of mental functions and reduced brain size.

3. Maturity is attractive.

Various studies have shown that a woman is more attractive the more fertile she looks, so women who have given birth, grown into a very feminine body, or do not use birth control are way more attractive to men.

4. The average woman will eat 4 lb of lipstick in her lifetime.

When you take the average number of lipsticks bought throughout a lifetime and their average wearability, it comes down to women licking off or eating with food about 4 lb of lipstick in their life. That translates to 533.76 lipsticks.

5. They hate taking risks.

You might have noticed that women are worse risk-takers than men, and there is actually a scientific reason for that. The anterior cingulate cortex, the part of the brain that weighs options when making a decision, is larger in women than in men. Some argue that this was evolution’s way of making women better caretakers and saving the “tribe” when gathering food and structuring social life.

6. They might make their men fat.

Surprisingly, a lot of men in long-term relationships are getting bigger, and that might be the doing of their women. They go into a “taking care” mode that results in feeding their partner excessively with the intention of having a strong “warrior” by their side.

7. Style over comfort

Majority of women choose stylish presentation over comfort.

8. A heightened sense of smell

Just like the point before, the heightened sense of smell helped our ancestors to survive and, as women were mainly gatherers, helped them to pick the right foods for the family.

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Content created and supplied by: JobW (via Opera
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