5 Jubilee Governors Decamp Just a Day To The much awaited Raila’s Event on Friday


Today the five governors who have been in the forefront to campaign for Raila Odinga have decamped from their 2017 party and are now seeking to formulate an alternative that will ensure that they win the next election. They say Jubilee party has lost grounds in the greater mountain region and therefore need to rethink their move. However they still are campaigning for Raila Odinga.

The five who included governors from Kiambu, Laikipia, Nakuru, Nyandarua now claim that they are in talks with PNU which was the vehicle the third president Mwai Kibaki used in seeking his second term. They say they are also in talks with the newly formed Ubuntu party to create a formidable force for the 2022 polls.

They however stayed put that they will continue with their push to support and campaign for Raila Odinga in the region saying he is the best solution for the country. So far they are yet to confirm if they will attend Raila’s Event on Friday.

Content created and supplied by: STORYZETU_NEWS_KENYA (via Opera
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Raila Odinga


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