The President May address the nation soon, here is why and what he may say. Opinion.


President Cyril Ramaphosa is currently touring the Continent, however, he has called for an emergency meeting with the NCCC (National Coronavirus Command Council) for when he returns. Usually when the president meets with the NCCC, he addresses the nation a short while later. This, put together with the fact that the number of new cases are quickly rising, makes me believe that there is a good chance the president will address us s very soon. If he does, here’s what he may speak about.

Introducing measures :

The Government has been monitoring the changes in cases. While we do not know what their conclusion is yet, with the cases rising so high so quickly, it’s entirely possible that we could go into a higher level of Lockdown. However, December is a time where a lot of money is put into the economy, because of Christmas and Christmas shopping. So we probably won’t go into hard level five lockdown, instead we may just rise to level two or three.

Vaccines :

Plans are already being made to introduce mandatory vaccines next year, however I don’t think that the Government will want the conflict that comes with that. So our president may encourage as many people to get vaccinated now, as possible. While rewards are being given to some older people, to aid in the encouragement, the president may extend those rewards to the youth too

What this all means for South Africans :

Yesterday the number of new cases hit over sixteen thousand, and regardless of what the president says, I believe that South Africans should start protecting themselves and observe all precautions. Tell me what you think down in the comments section and follow for more lifestyle news as it happens.

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Cyril Ramaphosa


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