Let us brace ourselves for real war


Emmanuel Bedzrah is the President of the Parliamentary Christian FellowshipEmmanuel Bedzrah is the President of the Parliamentary Christian Fellowship

The Member of Parliament for Ho West Constituency and President of the Parliamentary Christian Fellowship, Emmanuel Bedzrah, has urged the Christian body to brace itself for war as it prepares to start discussions towards a Private Members’ Bill in Parliament.

The Private Members’ Bill, which was adopted in 2020, will make the introduction of bills in Parliament for consideration no longer the sole prerogative of the Executive.

It will also now allow individual MPs who are not ministers of state or non-government officials, as well as private citizens, to introduce or initiate bills on the floor of the House for consideration.

According to Emmanuel Bedzrah, from Monday, March 22, 2021, they will commence discussions with the Speaker of Parliament, Alban Bagbin, on the roll out of plans towards getting clarity on exactly what our country’s stance is on the issue of homosexuality.

He explained that from their meeting, it is expected that the Speaker will state his personal stance on the matter, just as his predecessor did openly.

“Tomorrow, we have a meeting with the Speaker of Parliament at 9 to kickstart the discussion on the Private Members Bill. The Speaker has given his full blessings and when we meet, he will pronounce his open judgment on the LGBTQ+ but already he has made it clear to us that he will not tolerate any law that is against our culture, just as former Speaker Oquaye,” he said.

He added that he is certain that there is no member of the House that supports the practice of the LGBTQ+ group and so will commit all their support to their work.

However, he explained that it won’t be an easy battle to fight and so he wants the support of all, through prayer to ensure that the dream comes true.

“Not only Christians belong to the group in Parliament and we are close to 30 people. We are in Parliament at a time like this to bring clarity to laws and introducing clarity to what is carnal knowledge and what is uncarnal knowledge, what is homosexuality, and what is not homosexuality.

“We pray that you will continue to keep the gate with us and pray with us, believing that the Private Members’ Bill will be passed and by the end of this year, we should have clarity to our laws,” he said.

He continued that, “Fighting this battle cannot be done alone by MPs because there are those who might belong to other groups and will do everything to frustrate us as it is an end-time issue. So, let us brace ourselves for a battle but we pray that angels will blindfold all of them and the bill will be passed.”

He made this know at a 1-Day National Prayer Rally on LGBTQI+ by the National Coalition for Proper Human Sexual Rights and Family Values in Accra.

It is on the theme, Homosexuality: A Detestable Sin to God, taken from Leviticus 20:13, Romans 1:18/32, and 1 Corinthians 6:9-11.


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