Ingredient of the week: Chia seeds Eve woman


 Omega 3 fatty acids found in chia seeds can help reduce your risk of cardio vascular diseases (Image: Shutterstock)

The first time I heard about chia seeds I wasn’t very enthusiastic to try this new trendy superfood in town.

I was thinking this was just another seed that will soon bounce out of fashion immediately something else comes up, but I could not have been more wrong.

Chia seeds as tiny as they look, are very nutritional and come in handy in most easy recipes you can think of.

 Chia seeds are the perfect breakfast compliment for a healthy morning snack (Image: Shutterstock)

What are Chia seeds?

Chia seeds if you’ve noticed are small black seeds that originate from a flowering plant known as salvia hispanica.

They can be used fresh, dried, ground or in oils depending on your preference.

Although chia seeds have only gained popularity in the recent years, their nutritional benefits have been enjoyed for decades being one of the oldest seeds to ever exist.

 Add some chia seeds to your smoothie and enjoy the benefits of this superfood (Image: Shutterstock)

Why incorporate chia seeds to your diet?

Yes, the big question. With everyone obsessing about nutrition and the future, chia seeds could be a good place to start.

Chia seeds are full of so much hope and nutrients like fibre, proteins, antioxidants, minerals, Omega 3 fatty acids and just to mention a few.

Talking about Omega 3 elements, taking chia seeds will decrease your risk of cardiovascular disease, lower your blood pressure and muscle repair.

It is for this denser nutrition value than most foods that chia seeds earned its tag as a superfood.

 Nothing beats a homemade salad sprinkled with some chia goodness (Image: Shutterstock)

How do you cook with chia seeds?

When coming around chia seeds in your kitchen, this might be one of the most versatile ingredients you could use.

Not only can you use them fresh, but they can also be dried to last for longer as they have no shelf life. Furthermore, you can also use them as whole grains or grounded for your dishes.

 While making that pancake barter, don’t forget to add your chia seeds for that health boost (Image: Shutterstock)

The best part about this ingredient is it absolutely has no flavor, meaning you can mix it to any dish without ruining the taste of your favourite meals.

So, the next time you are preparing your: pancakes, salads, cereals, smoothies and juices don’t forget to sprinkle some chia seeds in there.

However, as you take chia seeds don’t forget your eight glasses of water. Chia seeds absorb a lot of liquid and this might leave you dehydrated especially when you take them dry.                                                                                     

Content created by Standard Media


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