Four ways to help with effects associated with being overweight Eve woman


 Being overweight doesn’t mean you are not beautiful, you simply have to find what suits your body (Image: Shutterstock)

Low self-esteem, anxiety and other more serious health problems such as depression are some of the psychological effects those who are overweight have had to battle with at one point in their lives.

The situation is made even worse by the worship and idolization of certain body types that are termed sexy leading to eating disorders such as bulimia and anorexia.

Having that ‘undesirable’ body affects how they see themselves and before long it starts to weigh heavily on their minds.

The more the stress they feel food becomes a ready source of emotional comfort leading to more weight gain and this worsens how they feel and the cycle repeats itself.

This downward spiral leads them to isolation and they begin to live a sedentary life putting in more pounds.

If you or someone you know is struggling with their weight, here are some ways you can help them with the effects:

  • Find ways to release stress
  • Stress is heavily linked to eating and that is why many of us have the tendency of over eating during our most stressful times leading to obesity.

    Instead of turning to food when you aren’t fine, look for other ways to manage your stress. Consider channeling those emotions to music, writing or any other creative outlet you may be interested in.

    You can also start reading, trying out new recipes that are much healthier and if the situation gets too much you should confide in a friend or relative.

    In the event where you are having suicidal thoughts consider professional counseling or therapy.

  • Get enough rest
  • Research has shown that not getting enough sleep can affect your emotional and physical wellbeing leading to the risk of obesity.

    If you sleep for less than the recommended 7-8 hours per day, you are likely to have weight problems. This is because your metabolism is affected and you tend to reach for foods rich in carbs.

    Stick to a certain time you go to bed and ensure your room is quiet, comfortable and warm enough to help you fall asleep faster and get all the rest you need.

     Body confidence is key, love your body and everybody else will fall in place (Image: Shutterstock)
  • Join a support group
  • Being in a community with people who are like-minded and understand what you’re going through will steer you in the right direction.

    Programs such as Weight Watchers was created for the sole purpose of helping those with excess weight to cope with the different aspects and effects of being overweight.

    You will get the much-needed emotional support, acceptance and coping strategies as you work together towards a healthy weight goal.

  • Listen to your body
  • No one knows your body better than you do. Your body is always sending you messages and signals so pay attention to them especially when it comes to allergies and stress factors.

    Do not bury your feelings under alcohol, caffeine or drugs. Process how you feel and as mentioned above, find positive outlets and feed your body with natural healthy fruits, vegetables and whole grains.

    Content created by Standard Media


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