Don’t wait for top-up slots, Justin Muturi tells women


Justin Muturi, the Speaker of the National Assembly. [Muriithi Mugo, Standard]

Women have been challenged to stop clinging to nominated slots in parliament and go for elective posts.

Speaking during the Annual Embu County Professionals Development Association forum, National Assembly Speaker Justin Muturi told women leaders holding elective positions to mentor and support their fellow women.

He noted this is the only way to increase their numbers in parliament and other elective posts to resolve the Two-thirds Gender Rule.

“Not more than two-thirds of either gender can be in the office that’s the reason we have not been able to actualise that constitutional provision. You had five years to prepare, go for elective positions,” said Muturi. The Speaker challenged the professionals to embrace politics for development and avoid disassociating, adding politics affects all the spheres of life.

Muturi called for the support of the professionals in his bid for the presidency in the forthcoming election.

Former Embu Senator Lenny Kivuti said the leaders in Mt Kenya East Region have endorsed Muturi for he is qualified to be president.

The University of Embu Vice-Chancellor Daniel Mugendi appreciated the partnership the university has with the professionals in the county.

“We shall continue with the programs to assist the learners which we started since the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic,” Prof Mugendi said.

ECPDA chairperson Josephine Kibaru Mbae said the professionals have prioritised education in Embu noting that they have been having mentorship programs in primary and secondary schools.

“When we started the mentorship program Embu County had only one A plain, however, last year the figure rose to 15 A plains,” Dr Mbae said.  

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