Exams fiasco, management threats force Law School SRC President to resign


General News of Wednesday, 17 March 2021

Source: www.ghanaweb.com


Philemon Laar has resigned as President of the Ghana Law School SRCPhilemon Laar has resigned as President of the Ghana Law School SRC

After his hands were literally forced behind him, the SRC President of the Ghana School of Law, Philemon Laar, has eventually tendered in his resignation latter.

In a letter announcing his resignation, he attributed his decision to the school management’s decision to henceforth, no longer recognize his presidency, with further threats from it of withholding funding support to the Student Representative Council should he continue to hold himself in that regard.

A letter dated February 2, 2021, addressed to the SRC and signed by the Registrar of the School, the authorities asked the body to replace Philemon Laar on the grounds that he failed the Professional Law Course Exam Part 1.

Also, it stated that the application by Mr. Laar for a remarking of the exams was still pending.

In his response, Philemon Laar indicated his decision to resign but disagreed with the decision of the school management, describing it as an affront to the SRC Constitution.

He added that the decision was an undue interference in student leadership but maintained that he was resigning as demanded.

“The decision to resign was occasioned by the apparent deadlock between the SRC and the management of the Ghana School of Law on whether an administrative fiat should be the basis to withdraw recognition for me as a democratically-elected executive of the SRC. I was unsuccessful in the October 2020 PLC examinations. Like several other students displeased about their results, and convinced that the examination did not reflect their industry and performance, I applied to have my scripts remarked. Results of the said remarking are yet to be released”, an extract of his letter stated.

In the meantime, upon receiving the letter, the SRC has accepted the letter, wishing him well even as they expressed gratitude to him for his selfless leadership to the school.

“The SRC has accepted his decision to step down from his role as the President of the SRC. The SRC wishes to express its gratitude to him for his selfless service to the student body and wishes him the very best in his future endeavors. In safeguarding the interest of all students, the Executive Council will engage all other stakeholders of the SRC on the way forward”, it noted.

Meanwhile, a by-election is in the offing to elect a new president for the school SRC.


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