Who would think of the possibility of a 5-year old conceiving a baby in her womb? Well, you’d love to read about Lina Medina who is tagged the “Youngest mum ever” as she had her first baby while still 5.
The Genesis – a bulging abdomen.
Her parents observed her constantly growing abdomen while she was just five years old, so they rushed her to the hospital. Afraid for their daughter’s well-being, they couldn’t figure out what was wrong with her. Doctors speculated that she had a tumor in her abdomen that grew larger with each passing day.
Dr. Gerardo performed a number of tests since in the medical field, no conclusion is ever truly a conclusion without necessary investigations. Everyone was taken aback by the shocking outcome. There was a baby in Lina! And, what are the chances? She was seven months along in her pregnancy at the time. Six weeks later, she gave birth to a son through caesarian section since her pelvis was unable to support a newborn.
How was it possible?
Lina was diagnosed with Precocious puberty by her physicians. Secual organs grow and mature too early in this medical disorder. Medical researchers confirmed that Lina had her first period at the age of eight months, despite her mother’s claims to the contrary. As a result, Lina may have given birth to a child at the age of five. It was only known hypothetically about this very unusual disorder. Precocious puberty was first documented in Lina’s pregnancy.
Lina and baby Gerardo
It was Dr. Gerardo, whom Lina’s kid was named after, who performed the pregnancy test and stayed by her side throughout her hospitalisation. For the first ten years of his life, Gerardo was certain Medina was his sister, but when he turned ten, he learned the truth. Lina has now reached the age of adolescence. Dr. Gerardo arranged for her to work as a secretary in a Lima clinic so that she could manage motherhood while still working. This aided both her own education and that of her kid.
Who was responsible?
Everyone is going to want to know who was in charge of the infant, as is only natural. Gerardo’s father’s true identity remains a mystery, though, until this day. Lina was just five years old when she gave birth to her first child. She clearly had no idea what she was talking about when it came to males. During one of the village’s annual events, there were rumors that she was raped.
As a result of the investigation, police made an arrest of her father, who is now in custody. Eventually, he was released since there was no evidence to support his claim that he committed the crime. Being a completely novel instance, it piqued the curiosity of a large number of medical professionals. Families want their children to enjoy a regular existence, thus they reject these individuals.
Lina picture in 2018
Lina had a second kid after her divorce from Raul Jurado. The pair had been residing in Lima’s “Chicago Chico” neighborhood since 2002. (Little Chicago). She has remained silent on the subject to this day, refusing to give any public interviews about her tale.
Though out the last decades, not much is known about Medina’s family as the public decided to respect their privacy.
Content created and supplied by: Mainooco (via Opera
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