A Plus Christmas Message: Europeans Don’t Want You To Come To Their Country


Musician and Political Activists, Kwame Asare Obeng popularly known as A-Plus has taken to his Facebook page to sent a Christmas Message. However his message seems to express doubt about the entire Christmas celebration.

On Saturday 25 December 2021, he wrote;

“Europeans don’t want you to come to their country. Before you are allowed entry, they demand your bank statement, your grandmother’s primary school homework book, you great grandfather’s boxers etc.This is what you go through just to visit places in Europe and America here on earth

Then, these same people, who embarked on dangerous voyages by sailing through stormy oceans just to look for gold in your land, told you, and keep telling you that they knows of a beautiful place somewhere in the sky. A place more beautiful than their country. A place where milk and honey flows through the land; they like you so much that they wants you to come and live an eternal life with them in this paradise.

Amsterdam, right here on earth they refused you visa. Italy where the Pope who wants to take you to heaven lives has refused you visa so you have to walk thousand of kilometres through the scorching sahara desert sun. Switzerland where missionaries came from has refused you visa. He added.

According to A Plus, Europe has tightened entry conditions so much that people, sometimes in their hundreds, die attempting to cross the Mediterranean Sea. And those who make it alive, go to church to praise God and hope that one day they will die and go with the white man to their sky dazzy paradise.

He said that he was telling you to die and go up into the sky to a place where you walk on gold, he was deep down in the ground in Obuasi mining gold. He gave you virtual gold and took your physical gold.

One thing I’ve learned about life; don’t spend all your life trying so hard to change opinions. Do yours and wish others well. I wish you all the best in your future journey to your sky daddy’s paradise. 

“Merry Christmas” If there are many events and parties and that period is called Christmas, why won’t I join? Who no like holidays and partying? Bronya oooo yieee. A Plus concluded.

Content created and supplied by: Currentworldnews (via Opera
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Kwame Asare Obeng


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