Doumbouya celebrates Christmas at the cathedral of Saint Mary of Conakry: Prays with worshippers


Christmas is celebrated in a variety of ways and in around the world, people do commemorate it on the 25th of December each year to mark the birth of Jesus Christ. According to the doctrine of Christians, Jesus Christ is the Savior of the world who died on the cross to save mankind from going to hell.

In the developed world, a lot of people purchase light trees, decorations, garlands, and make Merry in the streets. Before that, worshippers congregate at various churches to pray and thank God for giving us his only begotten son to die on the cross.

Philanthropists also disguise themselves as Santa Claus, or Father Christmas, and present gifts to children. In recent years, these individuals have gone further by providing even clothes and money to the poor. Families make it a priority to exchange gifts and relax at their homes by watching Christmas movies.

In Guinea, Christmas was celebrated and worshippers thronged to the cathedral of Saint Mary which is located at Conakry. Surprisingly one of the worshippers was the interim President of the transition, Colonel Mamady Doumbouya. Although he was born a Muslim, the colonel joined several Christians to make the occasion a special one.

His charisma is visible everywhere and even in the church, commoners could be seen closer to him. The mass was led by the archbishop of Conakry, his eminence Lord Koulibaly. The Secretary to the President, Colonel Amara Camara accompanied him to visit the church.

Content created and supplied by: Winnerwriter (via Opera
News )

Father Christmas
Jesus Christ
Santa Claus


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