Sad: Zoomlion Takes 420 Cedis Out of Poor Sweepers’ 600 Cedis Salary, –Manasseh Azure Reveals


According to popular investigative journalist, Mr. Manasseh Azure Awuni, ‘sweepers’ across the country are paid 180 Ghana cedis at the end of every month by the government through Zoomlion. However, these workers are supposed to receive 600 Ghana cedis at the end of every month. Where does the rest of the money go to? Mr. Azure explained that there was an arrangement between government and Zoomlion on the salary payment of the ’sweepers’.

Photos: Markets in Accra undergo massive clean up exercise - Prime News  Ghana

Mr. Azure revealed that under this arrangement, Zoomlion gets to take 420 Ghana cedis out of the allocated 600 Ghana cedis for the workers. Zoomlion in turn gives a meagre 180 Ghana cedis to individuals who are supposed to benefit from their hardwork – the poor sweepers. He added that Zoomlion claims that there were 45,000 sweepers on its payroll. Doing the math, Zoomlion gets to hoard a total of 18.9 million Ghana cedis which is supposed to go to the sweepers. Mr. Azure called on the President to end this heartless arrangement. Check below for Mr. Manasseh Azure’s statement:

Who takes the 18.9 million Ghana cedis meant for the poor sweepers? How can workers be treated like this? Do you believe that the calls made by the popular journalist would be taken into consideration? Share your thoughts with us by leaving all your comments below.

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Content created and supplied by: JNTurkson (via Opera
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Manasseh Azure


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