Angry Youth Threatens To Revenge After Burying Five Miners Who Were Brutally Murdered


The five men who were murdered brutally in Nyinawusu in Atwima Mponua District of the Ashanti region have been buried. Four of them were buried in Akrabourkrom where they hailed from and the other was taken to his hometown in the northern region. Security personnel are still in the town trying to prevent the youth from mobilizing themselves to attack those in Nyinawusu.

That is an action the youth in Akrabourkrom have vowed to undertake if justice is not served. Although the police have arrested two persons about the case, the family members of the deceased and residents of Akrabourkrom and are still unhappy and angry about the way the case is being handled. They are asking the Police to arrest the Chief of Nyinawusu, the unit committee chairman and assembly members of Nyinawusu.

They believe they were a part of the murder action that took place, so they must also be arrested. Some of the townfolks speaking with reporters said that the mob that attacked the men were more than 100 but till now the police have been able to arrest only two. The residents added that they are giving the Police a short time to make more arrests else they will take action on their own.

The case however has been moved from the Nkawie circuit court to Akropong District Court. The Chief Prosecutor, DSP Sylvanus Damada that due to the magnitude of the case, it needed to be moved to a higher court for justice to be served appropriately.

These murdered men were the breadwinners of their families. The death of one particular man amongst the five of them has caused much anger and sadness in Akrabourkrom. This particular man has lots of people he takes care of aside from his family. The residents of Akrabourkrom is set to seek revenge if justice is not served as soon as possible.  

Content created and supplied by: A.Joy (via Opera
News )

DSP Sylvanus Damada


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