Opinion: Jobs in Ghana which are capable of making people rich within the shortest possible time


The struggle to triumph over poverty is real and everyone is doing their possible best to make it above the threshold. Amassing wealth injects happiness into ones life and, living a happy life is one of the greatest experiences a person can ever have, before leaving the surface of the earth. One exciting thing about making wealth is the fact that, even after death, your kids and the generations after are able to benefit from the good work you did.

There are some jobs in Ghana which are capable of making a person rich within a very short period of time. After sitting down for some minutes, I came by these four jobs and I think you all will agree with me after strolling through them.

1. Musicians

Once you get to the limelight, you are officially one of the most paid people in the country. Some musicians are even getting more money than some doctors who studied for six years in the tertiary institutions.

2. Pastors

Pastorship shouldn’t have been a job in the first place. It should have been a calling by God but some men have found means to call themselves into the ministry. Since some of these men are not from God, they tend to extort money from their members by giving them unnecessary directions. Most of them are hiding behind the “touch not my anointed” quotation and are cashing out very big.

3. Politicians

They were elected to push their constituencies forward in the parliament houses but for most of them, their mandate changes when they get into the house. I wouldn’t like to talk much about them because we already know what they do behind the scenes.

4. Footballers

When I talk about this, I don’t mean the local footballers because unfortunately for them, some are not being treated right. I am talking about the Black Stars and other international players. Their winning bonuses alone is capable of securing a future for their kids.

Content created and supplied by: the_Kelvin_guy (via Opera
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