How To Make Popsicle(Abelewells) Ice Cream At Home With Just Non-Diary And Flour In Less Than 20 Min


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Popsicle ice cream popularly known in Ghana as “abelewells” is a frozen creamy ice cream prepared with only only non-diary powder and flour. The preparation is quite simple but the aftermath is great when the recipe is followed accordingly.

Only a few people knows how to make this delicious ice cream which many people especially children love and these people does not only enjoy it but make good cash from it. Today is your lucky day because I’m going to give the procedure on how to prepare the abelewells ice cream at home.

For preparation, you will need either milk/non-diary(according to your choice), flour, sugar and inscence (not necessary but gives it a sweet scent).

First boil flour in water for five (5) minutes then mix the milk/non-diary together in a bowl. Sieve the flour after you take it off the fire to give it a smooth texture.

Now mix all ingredients together, add warm water and stir properly until they are all smoothened. Now add sugar and inscense (when used) until all are properly mixed.

Your ice cream is now ready. Serve frozen either in small disposable cups or in tied rubbers.

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