Two Civilians Killed, MOMO Agent Robbed In Daylight Robbery Incident at Sawla


Two civilians have been killed after heavily armed robbers stormed Savanna Region town of Sawla this afternoon to rob a mobile money agent. The deceased who have been identified as Abdul Rauf and Baba were killed when they made ill-faited decision to chase the robbers who succeeded in robbing the agent with his daily sales and were fleeing with their booty.

Police in the Sawla Tuna Kalba District have taken custody of the bodies but are tight-lipped about the incident because they have briefed their bosses at the top and are waiting for official press statement from the National Police Command.

Eye witness account said the incident happened shortly after 2pm with the robbers arriving in the town on motorbikes to announce their presence with indiscriminate shootings before making their way to the mobile money shop. The agent was beaten and an undisclosed amount of money taking from him. While leaving the same way they came, the men who have been killed pursued them, a decision which proved costly as they were shot and killed instantly by the fleeing robbers.

The entire township according to the eye witness has been thrown into a state of shock with residents still trying to come to terms that two young men have had their lives taken away just like that.

Content created and supplied by: Kumbundoo (via Opera
News )

Abdul Rauf
Sawla Tuna Kalba


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