Member Of Lighthouse Church Who Went For Juju Lands In Prison


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He was working as a mason but the expected money and contracts were not coming. Even though he was a member of the Lighthouse Church, he decided to seek help from the lesser gods to help him secure more jobs offers. He had prayed for many years but he was not seeing any results. To this extent, he went into a juju man serving a river god and made a promise. 

He asked that the river god should help him to secure more contracts and when he finally gets money, he will go back and produce his thanksgiving. After the Juju, he started getting more contracts but refused to send back the thanksgiving to the river gods. This was the beginning of the troubles of twenty-two-year-old Justice Antwi who has landed in prison for committing a crime. 

Justice Antwi

Even though the servant of the river god has not confronted him to bring the promised thanksgiving, Justice believes that his current lifestyle could be linked to that. He is now a drug addict and a troublemaker who go around fighting with anyone who comes his way. He is also unable to do anything without taking hard drugs. His addiction is serious to the extent that he will never forgive even family members who cross his path. It was one of such encounters that got him in prison. He inflicted his senior brother, Stephen Antwi with a deep cut from broken bottles after the two had an argument over a missing mobile phone. Justice Antwi could not control his anger because he was high on hard drugs. 

He was unable to continue his education and works with his senior brother in the mason business. As young as he is, he was a member of the Lighthouse church in good standing and it was expected that he would take the teachings of his pastor seriously but he instead consulted a juju man for help. He has a strong belief that his life changed drastically to the negative immediately after consulting the juju man. He confessed to the crime check foundation in an interview monitored by BeaNana that, he has regretted ever consulting the river gods and will not repeat the same if given another chance. He has now decided to take his church seriously and stop taking hard drugs. This can also be attributed to his love for quick money because he was already working but needed more money and that landed him the current trouble.

Content created and supplied by: BeaNana (via Opera
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Lighthouse Church


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