Looking at the rate at which married men are cheating nowadays, one can only think of tracking them so as to be sure about their safety in relationships. Some men do not think twice about sleeping with other women at the expense of their wives.
For me, I have never understood why men decide to cheat on their partners for literally the same thing in other women. It is just like going to steal a bar of gold when you already have a gold company at home. Why put up such a risk? Why leave your wife just to pursue a hole which can be found in your wife?
Whenever I ask men these questions, they reply me with a funny answer. They tell me why I prefer jollof rice to plain rice. When I tell them that, “It is definitely because of the taste”, they reply with, “You are right, not all women taste the same”.
Deloris Frimpong Manson popularly known as “Delay” has come out with a very interesting statement. She claims looking at the rate at which men are cheating, women should no longer rely on the fact that, they are married. The rings cannot stop them from moving to other women. They will just remove it in just a split of a second.
Delay suggested that maybe, it is high time we give married men uniforms which will limit them from cheating. Trust me, doing that wouldn’t even stop cheating. A man who is determined to cheat will never slack and will make sure the aim is achieved no matter what happens. Give him a tattoo with the inscription, “Married” and he will still cheat on you.
Netizens after seeing Delay’s post just couldn’t take it as they swooped in their comments. Below are a few which I compiled;
Content created and supplied by: the_Kelvin_guy (via Opera
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