Man uses girlfriend’s dead grandmother’s diamond to make engagement ring


A husband-to-be is being slammed online after confessing he recently proposed to his girlfriend – who said yes – but refuses to wear the ring he had specially made.

The man revealed his partner, who he’s been in a relationship with for around three years, is “hugely into jewellery” so he wanted to get her a really sentimental ring before proposing.

Last year, he explained, his partner’s grandmother suddenly passed away, and her wedding ring was passed down onto her, as she was the only grandchild.

“Her and her grandma were extremely close, so I decided to ask her mum if she thought it’d be a good idea for me to use one of the diamonds in the ring for my girlfriends engagement ring,” he explained on Reddit’s AITA forum.

“She told me that as much as she loved the idea, she didn’t know if my girlfriend would, and so told me to think about it.”

He added: “I couldn’t find anything else I liked as much. My girlfriend didn’t wear the ring as she was worried about losing it, so kept it in a box in a drawer, making it easy for me to take without her realising. It ended up being a beautiful ring, and I thought she’d absolutely love the sentiment of it.”

When it came to the proposal, the man says she said yes immediately and was “absolutely elated” until she saw the ring.

“She told me I’d practically vandalised and ruined the only meaningful thing of her grandmothers that she had and that I should have asked. I went to her mum for support, but she just kept saying she warned me that my girlfriend might not like the idea,” he added.

“She said yes to my proposal but refuses to wear the ring, which I just think is disrespectful considering how much money and thought went into it.”

The man then turned to Reddit to question whether he was right to be annoyed about his girlfriend rejecting the ring, and he was met with a lot of criticism.

“You were too cheap to buy your own and then passing it off as being offended by her not liking your effort. Let’s play this how this should have gone. You take the ring and get the size of the diamonds. You put the heirloom ring back,” one Reddit user commented.

“You then go and get engagement ring made that can incorporate that stone as well as what you are giving her. When you give it to her you tell her you are always happy to include her grandmas diamond if she would like but you wanted the ring you gave to be just from you.”

Another added: “You do not remove stones or otherwise change or damage jewellery without express consent from the person who owns it. EVER.

“If I were in your girlfriend’s place I would tell you to fix my grandma’s ring, get your money back and pack your s***. I could never trust you again. I have an heirloom diamond ring that was my grandma’s wedding ring. If my husband did what you did… I would be devastated.”


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