Do you still find it difficult to sleep, sleep like a new born baby with this solution.


Have you tried all remedies and medications that there is and still good night sleep eludes you?

This remedy is purposely for those that can’t get enough good sleep , Get lemon grass (it is that grass that has a very nice distinctive lemony smell).

What do you do with it?

Wash and put your lemon grass to boil, when it has boiled very well, put down and allow to cool.

Grate 1 nutmeg (the usual nutmeg used for cooking).

Add the grated nutmeg into a cup of the lemon grass tea, stir and allow for seep for atleast 5 minutes.

Take this tea as the last thing you do for the day and watch as you sleep soundly.

Those that can’t get lemon grass should use a cup of warm milk and add their netmeg to it.

It gives the same results.

This is not meant for pregnant women, so pregnant women should steer clear from it.

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