It is true that one’s private matter is his or her own business, but sometimes it is reassuring and a relief to know that you have someone out there watching out for you. Social media has been divided into two factions as “hot” debate arises as to whether Tv3’s Thierry Nyan should be called out on his actions or left to be in the clear after anniversary photos of he and his very beautiful wife were discovered by some bloggers.
One would argue that it is his personal matter and thus, he chooses how he handles it. Well, others are also of the view that the fact that his ring is missing from his finger and he hardly has any photos depicting his marriage, makes him liable for trouble. For the many who support this view further go on to add that many of his colleagues, including Ayisha Yakubu whom he is quite close to and who also got married recently do not hide the fact that they are married so why would he?.
This is because if his reason for doing so was because of his corporate work, his other colleagues would have to be on the low about their marriages as well, and follow in his footsteps also,but that is not the case, leaving him with no excuse. His avid supporters continue to defend him by bringing up the fact that there are photos of he and his family at his place of work which helps to say he has no intention of hiding his marriage but just wants a private life .Whose side are you on and what are your thoughts on this?. Let us know in the comment section.
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