People Have Rejected Me Because Of The Color Of My Skin, I Am Uncomfortable In My Own Skin


Many people claim that black is beautiful and that black does not crack, yet many are hypocrites. I’d heard for a long time that black people discriminate against one other, but I never believed it until I saw the post of a young black woman who had been discriminated against due to her skin colour.

Black people frequently complain about prejudice in other nations, but what about discrimination inside our own communities? How can we make a black woman feel uncomfortable in her own dark skin as if she chose to be that way? Mariam claims she has suffered a lot of prejudice due to her skin tone. On the 18th of February 2021, she posted this on her Social media page.

This same dark-skinned woman turned to Facebook to express her sadness over the rejection and mocking she has received as a result of her skin colour. The young girl stated that she had been rejected several times just because she is dark-skinned.

Mariam claims she has gotten so frustrated that she now modifies her images to make them appear lighter before uploading them on social media. Due to her dark colouring, the lovely black lady claims she has faced a lot of hostility.

This lovely woman revealed that she has been denied many employment possibilities mostly because of her skin tone. She claims that others ridicule her by calling her various names.

According to her article, some individuals tease her by calling her ‘Black Board.’ Mariam admitted that she is now uneasy in her own skin and is always afraid of rejection. The hue of her skin has become a disgrace in culture, and they covertly criticize her at every chance.

Realize her images to see how valuable individuals are since she is a stunning black woman.

‘I was nicknamed various things as a joke so many times, but I saw that I was truly impacted by it,’ Mariam added. People make her feel guilty for being black indirectly by making jokes like “Blackboard or colour of their black clothes or you are too black or I cannot give birth to a black child,” she claims. People should stop speaking terrible things to black women under the pretence of making jokes, Mariam urged, since it is really hurtful.

Content created and supplied by: mCjill (via Opera
News )



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