Prophet Kwabena Boakye Asiamah popular known in the public domain as, Prophet Ajagurajah who is the leader and founder of Ajagurajah Movement has shared a deep secret about people who wants to be successful in life. According to him, before someone can become a successful in life bathing play a major role in it. Because he believes knowing the right way to bath can easily help a person who wants to achieve his or her dream.
Prophet Ajagurajah speaking about the secret in bathing says, whenever a person enters a bathroom he or she must not dip the sponge into the bucket containing the water. But rather place the sponge in the right hand while the soap also in the left hand. And use the right hand to pour the water on the sponge not more than three times before you use the soap. He made this statement during a popular television and a radio station show in the country. Though most people do not believe in things related to the spiritual but the fact is most of them are principles and can not be removed from our lives.
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You may be wondering why this is a news to the public but, the fact is spiritual things plays a very important role in our lives. And for that matter if anything which is in connection with the spirit can be communicated to people to take note, because it may help them on one way or the other. Do you have any believe for spiritual things, if yes how do you take them into consideration when you hear them.
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