It is well known that the prices of fuel and other essential commodities have sky rocketed in the last year. As an effect cost of living has increased and has become unbearable for the less privileged.
According to the drivers, the government has refused to do anything about their concerns on the high cost of fuel. The high cost of fuel forces the drivers to increase the normal or standard price of a ride.
Passengers will often times haggle or argue with the drivers over price since they are not abreast with the new prices being demanded. At the end of the day the drivers go home with less money than they expect, can’t afford their daily expenses.
School children are group who will feel the impact of the strike the most due to the following reasons.
Possible Dangers to School Children.
The strike embarked on by the drivers in Ghana is not only affecting the average worker in Ghana but children also especially those who attend school over long distances.
In one instance, Kwadwo Sheldon who is a renowned content creator on YouTube experienced first hand the effects of the strike and pitied some school children and dropped them at school.
Because the children are desperate to get to school they may be tempted to accept rides from those with car, some drivers offering rides may have good intentions while others may not.
This has the possible danger of leading to increased kidnapping if the issue is not rectified as soon as possible.
Also because of the strike, adults and children will also be equally compete for a chance to board the few commercial vehicles available. Such scuffles can led to injuries which would affect the children more than the adults.
Content created and supplied by: Exclusive_News_GH (via Opera
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