You can have fun with some of these Four ‘4’ Social Media reactions or you can also learn a lesson. Whichever!! “Say Your Mind” is what Ghanaians are saying about the most trending questions on Social Media with Answers. In Say Your Mind, the question might be a serious one, but the answer might be silly and that’s why you should either take it serious or have fun with it.
1, Why Do Most Relationship Fails?
On Social Media, the most discussion topic is Love and Relationship. Upon all this day by day discussions the results is nothing to write home about. A relationship can be LIKE a Brand new Car. For it to continue going, it doesn’t need only fuel, thus regular maintenance.
2, Living in Urban vs Living in the Rural Area.
I plan writing a full Article about how living in a Village is more comfortable than Living in a City. I’m still gathering more data. But for now, just know that Living in the City is for ONLY Business minded people. That is NOT to say only the rich. There are some businesses that are suitable in the cities. So if you don’t have any business that will earn you more money you can just go back to the village.
3, Do You feel shy buying Condoms by yourself?
As for the guys it’s not anything difficult for them. But here, a lady going to the pharmacy to buy men’s condoms is very rare.
4, How much do want to be paid as an employee?
Sometimes your answer to this question will not influence how much you should be paid. The employer want to test you if you are desperate for money or you really need a job for a living. And your answer will tell who you are. Supposed I was the one… My answer will be like “any amount to keep body and soul which will not in anyway affect the company negatively”.
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