Change is the only constant thing in life, and it can happen to anybody because it is inevitable. People make different choices in their lives, especially celebrities. They like to be the talk of the town, so they tend to make adjustments to their lives to gain more popularity. People usually convert from one religion to another for different reasons. Some believe that when you are going through a difficult spell, the only solution is to convert from one religion to another to get them out of the problems they are facing.
Mike Tyson, a popular black American boxer, is one of the world’s most sought-after boxers.The black-American boxer has won many heavyweight titles in his career, and he is well respected all over the world. Mike Tyson decided it was best for him to convert to Islam in 1995 when he was released from his jail term after he was rumoured to have had a forceful affair with an 18-year-old beauty pageant contestant known as Desiree Washington.
When he lost almost all his money to drugs:
According to the findings, Mike Tyson met the 18-year-old girl in 1991 when the young girl was practising for the Miss Black American Beauty Pageant. The lady allegedly followed Mike Tyson to his hotel room and claimed that he was forcefully assaulted by the heavyweight champion, but Tyson revealed that the affair between the two of them was consensual. He was arrested and charged in court where he was given a 10 year jail term in 1992 with a reprieve of 4 years.
Some of his recent pictures:
After Tyson was released from jail, he announced his conversion from Christianity to Islam, a move that shocked many of his fans all over the world. Mike Tyson encountered a series of problems after he converted to Islam. He became a drug addict and squandered all his hard-earned money on drugs. He later became a dealer of marijuana. He bought a large amount of land and started planting marijuana on it.
What is happening to him now:
Now he is gradually removing his loss thanks to his newly found marijuana business. Mike Tyson is still practising Islam despite all the obstacles he has encountered in his life. He is strong in his faith and nothing bad has happened to him recently, apart from the ones he managed to overcome.
Do you think the Marijuana business will help him recover his wealth? Let’s hear your own opinion.
Content created and supplied by: Mr_Right071 (via Opera
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