Government Finally Agrees With NDC On Four Out Of Five Issues, NDC Started MoMo Tax-NPP MP


Saturday, 4th November 2021

The Government introduced the electronic transaction tax in its budget and economic policy for 2022. This created so much controversy even though the budget was rejected and approved.

The NDC’s position on the tax which many call Mobile Money tax is clear. It should be suspended.

On Key Points program on TV3 today, the deputy majority chief whip disclosed that this was not the first time mobile money tax was being introduced. He said the first mobile money tax was introduced by the NDC goverment in 2016. The Tolon MP said what the NPP is seeking to introduce was not mobile money tax but electronic transaction tax.

Hon. Habib told host Dzifa Bampoe, “What we are doing is not MoMo Tax as NDC wants us to believe. We are introducing electronic transaction tax, call it E levy or E tax whatever. But the NDC wants to call it MoMo Tax. Dzifa the reason why we don’t want to call it MoMo tax is that, the NDC introduced that in 2016. They introduced VAT on mobile money transactions but it was paid by the telcos. That is the only difference”.

The NPP MP also disclosed that the interparty committee resolving the impasse with the budget had agreed on four issues raised by the minority. He said the only outstanding issue was the E-lavy. He disclosed that the government had agreed to make an allocation to Keta Sea defense, abolish Agyapa Royalty agreement and the misunderstanding with Aker Energy had also been resolved.

He was sure in the next couple of days, the issue around E levy will be resolved and the budget will begin to work.

The MP said he was not in support of the budget capturing Keta Sea defense because that was a perculier issue affecting a particular constituency. He said each constituency in Ghana had a perculier challenge but the budget didn’t address them constituency by constituency. He expressed reservation that this will set a bad precedence for future budgets.


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