US carjacker returns to lecture mom after toddler is left in car


By Se-Anne Rall Time of article published4h ago

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Mothers across the globe will tell you they have often been given (unasked for) advice by a bunch of people… from their mothers, their mothers-in-law, aunts and even the lady in the aisle at the store who doesn’t even know this is the 20th tantrum little Lacey has thrown this morning alone.

For an Oregon, US, mother, the parenting advice she received came from the mouth of a man who had just stolen her car, only minutes before.

According to the New York Post, after stealing the woman’s 2013 Honda Pilot and realising the woman had left her toddler in the booster seat, in the car, the man turned back and gave the woman a lecture about her parenting skills.

The report claimed that the woman had left her child inside the car and ran into a shop to buy milk and meat.

According to police, the man walked passed the car, opened the door, hopped in and drove off.

Upon realising that the woman’s child was in the car, he turned back and drove back to the shop where “he gave the woman a piece of his mind”, police said.

Officer Matt Henderson told reporters that the “thief” lectured the woman for leaving her child in the car and threatened that he would call the police.

After his tirade, he let the woman grab her child from the car and drove off – in her car.



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